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The Anti-Hemorrhoid Diet Plan for Curing Hemorrhoids

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Looking for an anti-hemorrhoid diet plan that can help prevent the formation of those swollen, inflamed veins and cure existing ones? Look no further! The following diet tips have been compiled for people who are looking for natural ways to prevent hemorrhoids, also known as piles. After reading this article, you will understand why a diet rich in fiber and bioflavonoids and avoidance of irritating foods is of paramount importance if you want to get rid of hemorrhoids for good.

Note: the information provided on this website does not constitute a substitute for professional medical or health advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider.

#1:  Step Up Your Fiber Intake

Dietary fiber is the part of plant foods that the enzymes in your body cannot digest. It is therefore not absorbed into the bloodstream and cannot be used for energy. Dietary fiber can be classified into two main categories: soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel when mixed with water while insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in water, passes the intestines largely intact. Soluble fiber helps create bulkier and softer stool that is that is easier to pass, thus reducing the risk of constipation. This in turn will prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids and cause less irritation to existing hemorrhoids. To avoid bloating and gas, add fiber to your diet gradually. It is also important to drink enough water or otherwise fiber can have the opposite effect and in fact increase the risk of constipation and hemorrhoids! Excellent sources of soluble fiber include oats, flaxseed, peas, beans, apples, carrots, barley, berries, and psyllium.

#2:  Consume Foods That Contain Bioflavonoids

Any good diet for hemorrhoids should include plenty of foods rich in bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids (or simply flavonoids) are a group of compounds that occur naturally in plants. These compounds give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors and protect them from microbes and insects. A large body of evidence suggests that the properties of bioflavonoids not only protect plants, but also humans. Some studies have found a link between a high, long-term intake of flavonoids and improvements in itching, bleeding and other symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. The beneficial effects of flavonoids are believed to result from their ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and to prevent free radical stress inside blood vessels.

#3:  Avoid Irritating Foods

One of the best diet tips for people who already have a hemorrhoid is to avoid irritating foods and substances such as citrus fruit, spicy foods, tomatoes, and caffeine. Anecdotal evidence suggests that these foods and substances will only aggravate the condition.

More on Hemorrhoids & Nutrition:

For further information on the nutritional approach to preventing and treating hemorrhoids, see: