What Fruits Are Good to Eat When You Have A Desk Job?
It's so easy to grab a chocolate bar for a quick fix when you're hungry at your desk. But the empty calories really do nothing for you. It fills you for a short time, but then you get hungry again. You might also experience headaches and fatigue when you get that sugar low. To help you stay productive and healthy at work, try grabbing fruit as a healthy snack. There is so much more to fruit than just being healthy – each individual fruit has its own benefits.
According to Fruitful Office, who deliver fresh fruit to companies across the UK, the following fruits are a great snack at the desk:
Both red and green apples are great as a desk snack. Not only do they keep for quite some time if left un-cut, but they have a lot of benefits to your health when you're working. Apples are rich in pectin, which is a natural immune booster. They will keep you healthy and stop you getting those nasty office bugs that are doing the rounds. Apples also contain Procyanidin B-2 which helps to prevent wrinkles and promotes hair growth.
Strawberries — how quintessentially British, especially with cream — but not this time. Try snacking on some strawberries when they are at their best in the summer. Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C which is great for your immune system. They also contain potassium which is important for your heart. They are best from May to July so keep your eyes peeled in the supermarkets!
Tart cherries contain a lot of melatonin, which helps to improve sleeping. This means you can get a better night sleep and would therefore have a better day at work afterwards. You could be more productive after eating some cherries! Tart cherries are also a natural pain reliever, so if you suffer headaches, especially when you've been sitting in front of the screen for so long, this could be a great way of avoiding taking any more pills!
Bananas are also rich in Vitamin C and are also a good natural replenishing source of mineral salts and potassium. This is great for your muscles and nervous system – ideal for helping you to cope with the stresses of working in an office.
Also... Nuts
Fruit is great, but nuts are too. Nuts are great if you get very hungry because they can keep your appetite happy and hold off the hunger pangs. They are great for many other reasons, too. Walnuts in particular are one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation and can help with a whole host of health problems. Almonds are also great because they contain high amounts of fibre — about three grams per ounce, and are an excellent source of vitamin E. Cashews are also a good desk snack, because they contain magnesium. One ounce provides 25% of your daily need. Magnesium has been linked to improved memory and protects against age-related memory loss.
If you're at a loss of what to pack tomorrow morning for work, try fruit and nuts. Try snacking on them at work for two weeks and see how well you feel afterwards!
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An A-to-Z list of healthy berries, including information about the health benefits of each berry.