Continued: Dessert Recipes for Tackling Cellulite
Good news: you don't have to shy away from desserts if you're trying to get rid of cellulite – as long as you opt for healthy dessert dishes. The dessert recipes below will help you create delicious dishes that are full of anti-cellulite nutrients.
Note: The page you're viewing right now is the second recipe page focused on cellulite-tackling dessert recipes. You can view the first page by clicking here.
Apple Slices with Cinnamon
This dessert is a cinch to prepare, and it contains only 95 calories! As apples have a low glycemic index (GI) rating, this dessert will also keep your blood glucose levels under control, thereby preventing unnecessary energy storage (fat gain). Also cinnamon has weight loss promoting properties.
Rice Pudding with Blueberry Sauce
This rice pudding is dairy-free, which ensures that you benefit from the maximum antioxidant capacity of the accompanying blueberry sauce. Blueberries are among the best dietary sources of antioxidants, but consuming milk together with these pleasantly tart berries has been shown to decrease their antioxidant capacity.
Buckwheat Crepes with Bananas
These crepes are rich in protein, which makes them an excellent dessert for those who are determined to banish cellulite. Furthermore, due to the protein profile of buckwheat, these crepes boast all eight essential amino acids, all of which are needed for tissue repair. Japanese researchers have also found protein in buckwheat to exert strong protective effects against obesity.
Low-Fat Apple and Raspberry Crumble
Not only does this divine dessert tempt your taste buds, it is also low in fat and processed sugar, which makes it a dieter's delight. In addition, apples and oats are rich in soluble fiber which limits the amount of fat our cells can absorb and which helps us feel full for longer.
Scandinavian Blueberry Soup
In Scandinavia, blueberry soup is a popular treat that can be served warm as an appetizer or chilled as a dessert. But the benefits of blueberry soup extend far beyond its culinary use. Due to their high concentration of anthocyanins, blueberries contribute to the health of the collagen matrix by neutralizing enzymes that destroy connective tissue and by scavenging free radicals.
Chocolate cake
This flourless chocolate cake has a surprising ingredient: black beans! While low in calories and fat, black beans are packed with protein and fiber, making them an excellent fat loss food. What's more, beans induce the release of cholecystokinin (CCK), a digestive hormone that acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Also the dark cocoa powder featured in this cake has appetite-suppressant qualities.
Nettle Crêpes with Raspberries
Don't worry about this dessert dish stinging your mouth; the nettle in these crepes will only do you good. Young, cooked stinging nettle shoots are wonderfully edible, and they are packed with antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc, and flavonoids. Many of these antioxidants are known to have a synergistic effect and to protect each other from oxidation, thereby enhancing the overall antioxidant capacity of these delicious crepes. What's more, the nettle in these crepes can work as a diuretic, reducing water retention that can worsen the appearance of cellulite.
Want More Recipes?
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