Main Dishes with Anti-Polyp Ingredients (Recipes)
Are you looking for recipes for anti-polyp dishes? Our online Guide to Combating Colon Polyps has you covered! This section provides a compilation of anti-polyp recipes that combine foods that are among the most concentrated sources of polyp-fighting nutrients and phytochemicals such as fiber, gongerol, quercetin, sulforaphane, ergothioneine, betacyanin and magnesium. But before you get started with these anti-polyp recipes, you may want to visit the section Diet for the Prevention of Colon Polyps and the section Foods That Prevent Colon Polyps for more basic information about nutrition and colon polyps.
Beet and Carrot Salad with Ginger
This recipe pairs beets with carrots to create a potent weapon for preventing colon polyps. The fiber found in abundance in beets and carrots reduces the time the stool spends in the intestines, thereby limiting the colon's exposure to potential carcinogens. In addition, several studies have shown that betacyanin, a phytochemical compound responsible for beets' intense purple color, is highly effective at fighting cancer, particularly colon cancer.
Beet and Carrot Soup
This recipe combines carrots and beets to create a beautiful crimson soup that also helps prevent colon polyps. The fiber found in abundance in beets and carrots reduces the time the stool spends in the intestines, thereby limiting the colon's exposure to potential carcinogens. In addition, several studies have shown that betacyanin, a phytochemical compound responsible for beets' intense purple color, is highly effective at fighting cancer, particularly colon cancer.
Shrimp and Mushroom Risotto
This easy recipe helps you create a risotto that's full of flavor and nutrients. Mushrooms provide ergothioneine, an antioxidant amino acid that has been shown to be highly effective at scavenging free radicals, while shrimp are loaded with the selenium. Several population studies suggest that the risk of death from colorectal cancer is lower among people with a higher intake of the selenium.
Salmon Salad
Salmon provides an excellent source of omega 3-fatty acids and the carotenoid astaxanthin, both of which are believed to have a protective effect against colon cancer. In addition, this salad contains plenty of red onion and capers which are among the best dietary sources of quercetin, a bioflavonoid that has shown promising potential for preventing and controlling the formation of intestinal polyps.
Apple and Onion Soup
This must-try recipe combines apples and onions, two of nature's best sources of the bioflavonoid quercetin. Quercetin has shown promising potential for preventing and controlling the formation of intestinal polyps.
Curried Carrot Soup
This hearty carrot soup is seasoned with curry and ginger, both of contain compounds that have been shown to maintain a healthy colon. Curry contains a compound that can identify potential cancer cells by their abnormal chemistry and consequently induce self-destruction of these harmful cells—without damaging healthy cells. Gingerol, the main active compound in ginger, has been shown to reduce both the size and number of tumors in test animals.
Dairy-Free Spinach Soup
Popeye was right: eat your spinach! The nutritional profile of spinach makes it an excellent health food and an important vegetable for anyone concerned about colon polyps. Spinach is considered one of the best vegetables for the entire digestive tract, and it is thought to be highly effective at cleansing and regenerating the intestinal tract. One of the gut health promoting compounds contained in spinach is magnesium which appears to be necessary for proper bowel movement. Mild deficiencies of magnesium are fairly common in Western countries, where consumption of processed foods is common, as processing significantly decrease the magnesium content of foods.
Super-Nutritious Broccoli Salad with Apples and Cranberries
Broccoli provides sulforaphane, a compound that has been shown to protect test animals' intestines from polyps. The cancer-fighting potential of raw broccoli—which this recipe calls for—appears to be particularly high
For more recipes that may help lower your odds of developing colon polyps, go to the main recipe directory of's Guide to Preventing Colon Polyps.