Natural Food Remedies for Cellulite (Cont'd)
There are plenty of natural food remedies for cellulite, and the best thing is, you don't have to head to a health food store to build up your arsenal of natural cellulite remedies. The best cellulite busters are available at your local supermarket!
Note that this is the last page of a three-page article on foods remedies for cellulite. If you missed the previous pages, you can view them by clicking on page 1 or page 2.
#21: Asparagus
If you are concerned about cellulite, asparagus is a good vegetable to add to your shopping list. It helps strengthen veins and capillaries while controlling blood pressure. Due to its high concentration of potassium and the amino acid asparagine, asparagus also has diuretic properties, which is great news as a build-up of fluid can worsen the appearane of cellulite. Many Hollywood stars swear by eating asparagus before an important event because of its ability to reduce water retention and bloating. On top of that, asparagus contains inulin, a type of carbohydrate which promotes the proper functioning of the gut.
#22: Garlic
Since ancient times, garlic has been used as a remedy for a vast range of ailments. Research has shown garlic to be effective at promoting heart and cardiovascular health, preventing and treating cancer, and reducing high blood pressure. Recent studies also suggest that garlic can prevent weight gain and promote weight loss. In one laboratory study, rats on a high-sugar diet gained less weight when they were also given a garlic supplement. These beneficial effects of garlic are believed to result from its ability to break down fatty deposits in the body and to boost metabolism.
#23: Broccoli
The nutritional value of broccoli makes this functional food an excellent cellulite buster for three reasons: First, broccoli contains alpha lipoic acid which can help prevent the hardening of collagen. Second, broccoli is a concentrated source of vitamin C and an excellent source of dietary fiber. Finally, broccoli is one of the best dairy-free sources of cellulite-fighting calcium. Although your body can only absorb about 60% of the calcium in broccoli, that is still a decent amount.
#24: Green Tea
Research suggests that the catechins found in green tea can help prevent breakdown of collagen. What's more, catechins have been shown to promote weight loss. In one clinical trial, 132 overweight or obese adults were given either a drink containing approximately 625 milligrams catechins and 39 milligrams caffeine or a beverage containing the same amount of caffeine but no catechins. All participants were asked to follow a similar diet in terms of caloric intake and to exercise at least three hours per week. During the twelve week trial period, both groups lost weight; however, weight loss was more pronounced in those who consumed the catechins than those who were given the control beverage. The effects of green tea catechins on body composition are believed to result from the ability of these substances to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation. To maximize the release of catechins, choose loose tea leaves instead of tea bags and let the tea steep for five minutes.
#25: Dandelion Greens
If you can develop a liking for their bitter taste, these unsung nutritional stars can be a great weapon in the battle against cellulite. Dandelion greens have long been touted for their detoxifying and diuretic properties—both of which are important if you have cellulite. Further, unlike many other diuretics which deplete the body of the anti-cellulite mineral potassium, dandelion leaves will not upset the potassium balance of the body because they contain such high amounts of this important mineral. What's more, dandelion greens are a very food source of vitamin C, and they also contain some vitamin E.
Fresh dandelion leaves can be used in salads or they can be made into a herbal tea. If you cannot get used to their strong flavor, dandelion supplements are also available in many health stores.
#26: Brussels Sprouts
Consuming plenty of cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, is an excellent way to combat cellulite. Cruciferous vegetables contain a substance called indole-3-carbinol (I3C) which, once ingested, forms di-indolyl methane (DIM). DIM helps certain liver enzymes to block the production of 16-OH estrogens, harmful substances that are also responsible for collagen break-down. In addition to I3C, Brussels sprouts feature a host of other cellulite fighting nutrients such as vitamin C. (For details, see Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts.)
#27: Watercress
These peppery leaves are a great anti-cellulite food. It is extremely low in calories; yet, it provides a truckload of vitamin C. Further, watercress is packed with calcium which has been shown to promote weight loss. It is also low in oxalic acid, a compound that can inhibit the absorption of calcium from many other plants foods. What's more, these little peppery leaves are a good low-calorie source of potassium. Watercress is available in larger supermarkets year round.
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