Soup Recipes with Colon Cancer Fighting Ingredients
Are you trying to find healthy soup recipes that are ideal for people who want to reduce their odds of developing colon cancer? This section provides a host of anti-cancer soup recipes starring foods that deliver hearty helpings of colon cancer fighting nutrients. But before you get started on these soup recipes, make sure you have taken a look at the page Diet for Colon Cancer Prevention and the page Foods That Help Prevent Colon Cancer.
Apple and Onion Soup
This recipe combines apples and onions, two of the best dietary sources of quercetin. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that has strong anti-cancer properties. Studies have associated the consumption of both apples and onions with a reduced risk of many cancers.
Iced Watercress and Mint Soup
This light, peppery soup with an irresistible velvety texture draws on the health benefits of watercress, a super food that has been used to treat a wide range of ailments for centuries. Recent research suggests that eating watercress daily can significantly reduce blood cell DNA damage and thereby reduce a person's overall cancer risk. Watercress contains a special mustard oil that is known to have significant anti-cancer properties, but some of the anti-cancer properties of these little peppery leaves may also be attributable to their high concentration of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lutein. Also the mint featured in this soup may be beneficial as it is rich in called perillyl alcohol, a phytochemical that has been shown to prevent the formation of colon cancer in animals.
Tangy Tomato Soup with Basil
Not only do shallots and basil lend their flavor to create this tasty soup, they also deliver a great amount of bioflavonoids which have strong anti-cancer properties.
Curried Sweet Potato Soup
This delicious, high-fiber low-calorie soup offers a generous amount of nutrients that are thought to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Sweet potatoes provide an excellent source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B6 as well as certain unique root proteins which, according to preliminary studies, may have significant antioxidant properties. Also garlic, yellow onion, curry powder, and ginger contain substances that are known to possess strong anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.
Broccoli and Barley Soup
Broccoli, one of the key ingredients in this scrumptious soup, is a great source of indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a natural compound that is thought to inhibit cell proliferation of colon cancer cells. Barley, on the other hand, is rich in fiber which increases bulk, softens stool, and shortens the transit time of fecal matter, thereby decreasing the risk of colon cancer. In addition, the fiber that is present in barley feeds the friendly bacteria in the large intestine, helping these bacteria to produce a short chain fatty acid called butyric acid, which helps maintain a healthy gut and prevent cancer.
Grandma's Chicken Soup
A laboratory test has now confirmed what grandmas have known for years: chicken soup is good for you. The researchers found that chicken soup and its main ingredients help inhibit the migration of neutrophils—white blood cells that swallow up bacteria and viruses responsible for infectious diseases. Your neutrophil count lies somewhere between 3,000 and 6,000 neutrophils per milliliter of blood, but chemotherapy and some radiotherapy treatments can lower your neutrophil count, making you more prone to getting infections.
Chicken Soup with Rice and Broccoli
This scrumptious chicken soup features broccoli, a great anti-cancer vegetable that helps eliminate carcinogenic toxins, induce apoptosis in colon cancer cells, reduce DNA mutation, and prevent the development of benign tumors into malignant ones. But the anti-cancer properties of this soup do not end there: also the organic celery in this soup adds to its cancer-thwarting properties. Celery is known to contain at least eight families of cancer-combating compounds.
Beet and Carrot Soup
This recipe pairs carrots with beets to create a savory soup that is rich in nutrients that help prevent colon cancer. Several studies have found betacyanin, a phytochemical responsible for beets' intense color, to be highly effective at preventing colon cancer while carrots contain falcarinol, a compound that has been shown to inhibit the development of cancer.
Dairy-Free Spinach Soup
Spinach is supercharged with beta-carotene, vitamin C, and folate. Studies show that people who eat a lot of foods rich in these nutrients are at a much lower risk of getting colon cancer than those who don't.
Barley Soup with Beans and Basil
The dietary fiber in barley increases bulk, softens stool, and shortens the transit time of fecal matter, thereby decreasing the risk of colon cancer. Also diets rich in beans have been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. The fresh basil this recipe calls for further strengthens the cancer-fighting powers of this dish as basil is rich in flavonoids known for their antioxidant powers.
Nourishing Nettle Soup
Nettle—the star of this tempting soup—is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc, and flavonoids. Many of these antioxidants are known to have a synergistic effect and to protect each other from oxidation, thereby enhancing the overall antioxidant prowess of this healthy soup.
For more recipes that may help lower your odds of developing colon cancer, go to the main recipe directory of's Guide to Preventing Colon Cancer.