Dessert Recipes for Hirsute Women
Do you need dessert recipes that are suitable for hirsute women? If so, this collection of recipes is for you! This section presents a host of dessert recipes that combine ingredients with hirsutism-fighting ingredients such as whole wheat flour, buckwheat, black beans, quinoa and nettles. Enjoy!
Tip: Before you set free the culinary genius in you and explore the dessert recipes below, you may want to peruse the page Diet Plan for Treating Hirsutism and the page Best Foods for Hirsutism which provide more general information about how diet and hirsutism are linked.
Whole Wheat Brownies
This brownie recipe calls for whole wheat flour and dark cocoa powder, both of which are extremely rich in magnesium. Research indicates that there is a strong link between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance associated with hirsutism. Magnesium is required for proper glucose utilization and insulin signaling, which are impaired in people with insulin resistance.
Low-Fat Apple and Raspberry Crumble
Not only does this divine dessert tempt your taste buds, it is also low in fat and processed sugar, which makes it a dieter's delight. In addition, this dish contains plenty of magnesium and zinc, both of which are thought to fight hirsutism.
Apple Slices with Cinnamon
This dessert is a cinch to prepare, and it contains only 95 calories! As apples have a low glycemic index (GI) rating, this dessert will also help reverse insulin resistance. Also cinnamon contains a bio-active component that may help fight insulin resistance.
Chocolate Sorbet
This sorbet recipe calls for dark chocolate which is loaded with magnesium. Research indicates that there is a strong link between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance associated with hirsutism. Magnesium is required for proper glucose utilization and insulin signaling, which are impaired in people with insulin resistance.
Nettle Crêpes with Raspberries
There's no need to worry about this dessert dish stinging your lips; the nettle in these crepes will only do you good. Young, cooked stinging nettle shoots are perfectly edible, and they are packed with B complex vitamins and magnesium which help fight hirsutism. As an additional bonus, these delicious crepes, served with fresh raspberries, are packed with antioxidant nutrients, which can give you a real health boost.
Weight Loss Muffins
Obesity and excess body weight have been associated with an increased risk of hirsutism. These scrumptious muffins are packed with weight loss promoting fiber and protein, while being extremely low in fat.
Low Glycemic Raspberry Muffins
This muffin recipe is a must-try for those who love muffins but are concerned about the high amount of simple carbohydrates in most muffins. This muffin recipe uses for low-glycemic ingredients, including raspberries, soy flour, and whole wheat flour. It also features cinnamon which helps further lower the glycemic index of these delicious anti-hirsutism muffins.
Chocolate Cake
This flourless chocolate cake has a surprising ingredient: black beans! Black beans are packed with magnesium. This is great news for hirsute women since as inadequate magnesium levels have been associated with insulin resistance. Also dark cocoa powder provides a rich source of magnesium.
Buckwheat Crepes with Bananas
Buckwheat is a superb source of magnesium which is required for proper glucose utilization and insulin signaling, both of which are impaired in women with insulin resistance.
Quinoa Crepes with Applesauce
Hirsute women should choose low glycemic foods, such as these quinoa pancakes, over high glycemic foods. High glycemic foods break down quickly, causing rapid fluctuations in blood glucose and insulin levels. This in turn can lead to a sharp increase in circulating androgen and insulin-like growth factor, which have been associated with hirsutism in women.
For more recipes that help fight hirsutism, please visit the main recipe directory of's Guide to Fighting Hirsutism.