Healthy Dessert Recipes for Menstrual Cramps
Here's a collection of healthy dessert recipes for alleviating menstrual cramps. And the best thing is, not only are these desserts considered suitable for women with menstrual cramps, they are also downright delicious and sure to make everyone's mouth water!
Each recipe description below summarizes why the relevant dessert dish may be particularly good for women with painful periods. If you are interested in more detailed information about the power of food to ease menstrual cramps, be sure to check out the diet section (see Diet for Menstrual Cramps) and the food section (see Foods for Menstrual Cramps) of this online guide.
Carob Pudding
Both the carob and millet featured in this pleasantly sweet pudding are crammed with nutrients that help thwart menstrual cramps, including B vitamins, calcium and magnesium.

Cantaloupe Smoothie with Probiotics
The delicious combination of cantaloupe melon and yoghurt in this smoothie delivers a wallop of nutrients that help ward off menstrual cramps. These include calcium, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and zinc—to mention a few.

Pineapple and Banana Smoothie
This pleasantly sweet smoothie combining bananas and pineapple provides you with plenty of nutrients to help fight menstrual cramps and bloating. It is particularly rich vitamin B6 and potassium.

Wholewheat Muffins with Bananas and Walnuts
Not only are these whole wheat muffins full of flavor, they also contain ingredients that can help thwart off menstrual cramps. Both bananas and walnuts are packed with the pain-relief vitamin pyridoxine. In addition, walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are known to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties but which are often in short supply in modern diets.

Carrot Muffins
These scrumptious muffins are loaded with magnesium which has been shown to be effective at reducing the severity and duration of menstrual cramps. The carrots featured in these muffins are rich in vitamin B3 and vitamin B6.

Buckwheat Pancakes with Bananas
Buckwheat is an excllent source of magnesium which has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of menstrual cramps in some women. Also the bananas featured in this divine dessert can help combat menstrual cramps as they are loaded with anti-cramping nutrients such as vitamin B6.

Fantastic Fiber Muffins
Some women experience more intense menstrual cramps when they are constipated. This dessert combines wheat bran with whole wheat flour and apples to create a delicious treat that helps you reach your fiber quota.

Quinoa Crepes with Applesauce
These quinoa crepes are loaded with magnesium, a mineral that been shown to be effective at reducing the severity and duration of menstrual cramps in some women.

Chocolate Cake
This flourless chocolate cake has a surprising ingredient: black beans! Black beans are packed with magnesium. Evidence suggests magnesium deficiency may be a cause of menstrual pain in some women and that restoring magnesium levels to normal can progressively reduce the severity and duration of menstrual cramps. Magnesium has also been shown to relieve back pain associated with menstruation.

Whole Wheat Brownies
These brownies are full of flavor, and this recipe is a good alternative for women who suffer from menstrual cramps. This brownie recipe calls for whole wheat flour and dark cocoa powder, both of which are extremely rich in magnesium. Evidence suggests magnesium deficiency may be a cause of menstrual pain in some women and that restoring magnesium levels to normal can progressively reduce the severity and duration of menstrual cramps. Magnesium has also been shown to relieve back pain associated with menstruation.

Apple Slices with Cinnamon
This dessert is a cinch to prepare, and it contains only 95 calories! But the benefits of this dish do not end there: the cinnamon in this dessert dish has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties which may help alleviate menstrual cramping.

Chocolate Sorbet
This sorbet recipe calls for dark chocolate which is supercharged with magnesium. Evidence suggests magnesium deficiency may be a cause of menstrual pain in some women and that restoring magnesium levels to normal can progressively reduce the severity and duration of menstrual cramps. Magnesium has also been shown to relieve back pain associated with menstruation.

Nettle Crêpes with Raspberries
There's no need to worry about this intriguing dessert stinging your lips; the nettle in these crepes will only do you good. Young, cooked stinging nettle shoots are perfectly edible, and they are loaded with nutrients that help alleviate pain associated with menstruation. As an additional bonus, these delicious crepes, served with fresh raspberries, are packed with antioxidant nutrients, which can give you a real health boost.

Buckwheat Crepes with Prune Compote
Both buckwheat and prunes are brimming with magnesium, an important mineral that has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of menstrual cramps in some women. In addition, prunes are loaded with B vitamins, calcium, and zinc, all of which are thought to be particularly beneficial for women who suffer from painful menstruation.

For more recipes that help prevent and control menstrual cramps, please visit the main recipe directory of's Guide to Fighting Menstrual Cramps.