Benefits of Juicing for Psoriasis Sufferers
Not only do many psoriasis sufferers swear by juicing as a way to control their symptoms, also many books covering natural remedies for psoriasis single out freshly-pressed fruit and vegetable juices. In Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook, for example, award-winning author Dr. John Pagano recommends psoriasis sufferers get a juicer to be able to press nutritious and detoxifying juices using fresh fruit and vegetables. That said, little scientific research has addressed the potential benefits of juicing in psoriasis sufferers, and therefore we cannot say for sure whether juicing is good for psoriasis sufferers in general. However, at least from a theoretical point of view, consuming homemade fruit and vegetable juices as part of an overall healthy and balanced diet seems to make sense. Here's why:
Why Juicing May Be Good for Psoriasis Sufferers
Psoriasis is considered a chronic inflammatory condition in which white blood cells seem to play a crucial role by contributing to the development of oxidative stress. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants which help fight chronic inflammation by reducing oxidative stress. Considering the anti-inflammatory properties of fruits and vegetables, it is not surprising that a high intake of vegetables and fruits has been associated with a lower risk of psoriasis. A study published in the Journal of Translational Medicine in 2015, for example, found that the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) scores and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which are commonly used to assess the severity of psoriasis, were inversely associated with the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed.
Another study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Acta Dermato-Venereologica, found that several psoriasis patients experienced significant symptom relief after embracing a vegetarian diet, preceded by a 2-week fast. This study also looked at the impact of a vegetarian diet on other chronic inflammatory disorders, including atopic eczema, but the beneficial effects were only observed in psoriasis patients.
Now, for those who are often pressed for time and have trouble incorporating enough fruits and vegetables into their diets, juicing and blending may be excellent solutions. The advantage of juicing over blending is that it may be easier for the body to absorb antioxidants and nutrients from juices than from smoothies due to the lack of fiber in juices. On the other hand, the roughage or fiber in smoothies may also offer some benefits for psoriasis sufferers thanks to its detoxifying and gut-protecting properties. A certified nutritionist can help you define what percentage of your diet should consist of homemade juices and/or smoothies.
Tip: If you don't have a juicer yet, you might want to consider getting one of the ingenious all-in-one juicer and blender combos which allow you to create both juices and smoothies. Great for small kitchens where space is at a premium!
Inspiration and Juicing Recipes for People with Psoriasis
Looking for kitchen-tested juicing recipes designed for people with psoriasis? In The Juice Lady's Guide To Juicing for Health, nutritionist and juicing expert Cherie Calbom, M.S., provides a bunch of inspiring recipes that are ideal for psoriasis sufferers, including:
- Morning Energizer
- Beautiful-Skin Cocktail
- Colon Cleanser
- Liver Life Tonic
- The Ginger Hopper
- Spring Tonic
- Allergy Relief
- Beet-Cucumber Cleansing Cocktail
- Immune Builder
- Super Green Sprout Drink
- Wheatgrass Light

Studies cited:
1. L. Barrea (2015). Nutrition and psoriasis: is there any association between the severity of the disease and adherence to the Mediterranean diet? Journal of Translational Medicine, Jan 27, 13:18.
2. H. Lithell et al (1983). A fasting and vegetarian diet treatment trial on chronic inflammatory disorders. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 63, 397-403.