Natural Psoriasis Treatment: Dessert Recipes
You can enjoy these desserts without guilt whenever your sweets craving hits. All the recipes featured on this page use ingredients that are naturally rich in psoriasis treating nutrients.
Chocolate Free "Chocolate" Pudding
Even if your psoriasis is linked to an allergy or intolerance to chocolate, you can still enjoy the "chocolate" pudding — as long as it's made with carob! Carob flour, made from the dried pots of the carob tree, boasts a mild cocoa-like flavor but is considered hypoallergenic. In addition to carob, this pudding contains millet and dates which are also unlikely allergens.
Carrot Muffins
These irresistible dessert muffins provide an excellent natural psoriasis treatment. The carrots and flaxseed featured in these muffins can help combat chronic inflammation which is often associated with psoriasis. What's more, these muffins are gluten-free and therefore suitable for people who are sensitive to gluten.
Low-Fat Apple and Raspberry Crumble
This recipe combines apples and raspberries, two great sources of the bioflavonoid quercetin. Quercetin helps fight inflammation by inhibiting the action of phospholipase, an enzyme that generates free arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid increases the levels of prostaglandins and leukotrienes which are potent mediators of inflammation.
Apple Slices with Cinnamon
This lovely dessert is a cinch to prepare, and it contains only 95 calories! It is also a great dessert for people with psoriasis due to the high concentration of quercetin in apples. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that has strong anti-inflammatory properties and that may therefore help treat psoriasis.
Buckwheat Pancakes with Bananas
Unlike most other pancake recipes, this one does not require eggs, making these pancakes ideal for people whose psoriasis flare ups are linked to an allergy or intolerance to eggs. In fact, all key ingredients in this dessert — buckwheat, bananas, and brown rice syrup—are considered hypoallergenic, which means that they are unlikely to cause allergic reactions in humans.
Looking for More Anti-Psoriasis Recipes?
For more recipes that can help you prevent psoriasis breakouts, visit the Main Recipe Directory of's Guide to Healing Psoriasis Naturally.
Looking for Tips and News on Psoriasis and Nutrition?If you are interested in the nutritional approach to preventing and healing psoriasis, be sure to check out the page Diet Tips for Psoriasis Sufferers and the page Best Foods to Eat for a Psoriasis-Free Life. Be also sure to visit the home page of this Nutrition Guide to Healing Psoriasis Naturally on a regular basis — all the latest news and tips for psoriasis sufferers are first posted on the home page.