Prevent Wrinkles Naturally With Anti-Wrinkle Drinks
The anti-wrinkle drink recipes featured on this page call for foods that are loaded with antioxidant vitamins and minerals that can help prevent wrinkles naturally. All the recipes included are easy to prepare.
Anti-Aging Smoothie with Millet and Strawberries
The red grape juice and strawberries this smoothie contains are loaded with flavonoids, beneficial phytochemicals that are thought to help prevent age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, as well as other signs of aging, such as wrinkling of the skin. The millet this recipe calls for adds B vitamins, protein, and minerals to the mix, while the flaxseed boosts the fatty acid profile of this anti-aging smoothie by delivering healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Blackberry & Raspberry Smoothie with Chia Seeds
This smoothie recipe calls for blackberries and raspberries, both of which are famous for their potential anti-aging properties. Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and protein, chia seeds are added to the mix to further boost its skin-protecting properties.
Scandinavian Blueberry Soup
In Scandinavia, blueberry soup is a popular treat that can be served warm as an appetizer or chilled as a dessert. But the benefits of blueberry soup extend far beyond its culinary use. Due to their high concentration of anthocyanins, blueberries can help prevent wrinkles naturally by contributing to the health of the collagen matrix by neutralizing enzymes that destroy connective tissue and by scavenging free radicals. The anthocyanins also enhance the effects of the vitamin C contained in blueberries.
Cantaloupe Smoothie with Probiotics
The delicious combination of cantaloupe and natural yoghurt packs a powerful punch of skin protecting nutrients including beta-carotene, vitamin C, and zinc.
Catechin-Rich Ice Tea
Green tea catechins appear to be highly effective at preventing wrinkles. The beneficial effects of catechins on the skin are believed to be linked to their extremely strong antioxidant properties naturally. This anti-wrinkle recipe calls for loose tea leaves (instead of bagged tea) and a long brewing time, both of which improve the release of catechins from green tea leaves. Lemon juice, rich in vitamin C, further improves the availability of catechins.
Kale, Kiwi and Banana Smoothie
Don't be intimidated by the kale in this vibrant green smoothie – the pineapple juice, banana, green grapes and kiwi do a great job masking the somewhat earthy flavor of kale, a superfood that is thought to fight wrinkles due to its exceptionbally strong antioxidant properties.
Green Tea Mango Blast
This recipe pairs green tea with mango to create an antioxidant-rich smoothie to fight wrinkles.
Antioxidant-Rich Smoothie with Red Grape Juice and Raspberries
This smoothie features red grape juice and raspberries, both of which are touted for their strong antioxidant properties. The sunflower seeds in this smoothie ensure that you'll also get plenty of skin-protecting protein, vitamin E, minerals, essential fatty acids and B vitamins.
Hot Chocolate with Almond Milk
Dark, unsweetened cocoa powder provides a concentrated source of flavonoids such as catechins and procyanidins. These flavonoids have shown to exert strong antioxidant effects. However, cocoa flavonoids lose some of the antioxidant power if they are ingested together with dairy. In order to maximize the antioxidant and anti-wrinkle effects of cocoa, this hot chocolate is made with almond milk instead of cow's milk.
Blueberry Banana Smoothie
This smoothie is literally bursting with flavor and antioxidants, making it an excellent drink against wrinkles. Wild blueberries have been shown to have the highest antioxidant capacity out of more than 20 fruits and berries. What's more, the ground flaxseed this recipe calls for adds valuable omega-3 fatty acids to this smoothie.
Want More Recipes?
For more recipes that can help you prevent wrinkles, visit the main recipe directory of's Guide to Wrinkle-Free Skin.
You may also be interested in checking out the section that provides more general diet tips on how to prevent wrinkles. Be also sure to check out the list of the best anti-wrinkle foods.