Cellulite-Fighting Soup Recipes
Are you ready to learn how to make mouthwatering soups that are also in line with the nutritional requirements of women who are prone to getting cellulite? If so, this collection of recipes is for you! In this section, you'll find a compilation of cellulite-fighting soup recipes featuring a wide range of cellulite-combating ingredients such as tomatoes. apples, nettles, broccoli, sweet potatoes, barley, and more.
However, before you unleash your inner foodie and peruse the soup recipes below, it might be a good idea to read the page The Anti-Cellulite Diet Plan and the page 27 Best Anti-Cellulite Foods.
Apple and Onion Soup
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, goes the old adage. But did you know that apples can also keep excess pounds and cellulite away? Apples contain pectin, a type of dietary fiber that limits the amount of fat our cells absorb. Also onions help keep excess pounds at bay: onions are one of the best dietary sources of chromium, a mineral that can help increase or maintain lean body mass and aid in fat loss when combined with exercise.
Nourishing Nettle Soup
Nettle—the star of this super nutritious soup—is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc, and flavonoids. Many of these antioxidants are known to have a synergistic effect and to protect each other from oxidation, thereby enhancing the overall antioxidant prowess of this excellent anti-cellulite soup. In addition, nettle has diuretic properties, which helps reduce water retention that may aggravate the appearance of cellulite in some people.
Curried Sweet Potato Soup
Sweet potatoes are one of the most nutritious vegetables and loaded with anti-cellulite nutrients, including potassium, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. They also contain some unique root proteins which, according to preliminary studies, may have significant antioxidant properties. The nutrients in sweet potatoes, as well as other ingredients in this delicious soup, help improve circulation and eliminate toxins.
Wholesome Winter Pea and Watercress Soup
This temptingly tasty soup with a smooth creamy texture is very low in calories; yet, it is packed with vitamin C and calcium, both of which can decrease fat accumulation and therefore reduce the appearance of cellulite. What's more, this soup is rich in potassium which helps fight water retention.
Barley Soup with Carrots and Parsley
Barley is a superhero grain for fighting excess pounds and cellulite. Not only is barley low in calories, it also has the lowest Glycemic Index (GI) rating of all common grains. Low glycemic foods help keep the levels of fat-storing hormones low and reduce sugar cravings. Also the low-calorie yoghurt and the fiber-rich carrots in this soup add to the fat-burning and detoxifying capabilities of this miraculous anti-cellulite soup.
Chicken and Barley Soup
Barley is a great grain for anyone concerned about excess body fat and cellulite. It is low in calories and has the lowest Glycemic Index (GI) rating of all common grains. The protein-rich chicken in this soup further lowers the glycemic load of this excellent weight loss soup. In addition, the lean protein in the skinless chicken contains amino acids that are essential for the production of collagen and elastin in the connective tissue.
Hot Tomato Soup
This soup is rich in chromium, a mineral that may help increase or maintain lean body mass and aid in fat loss when combined with exercise. These effects of chromium on body composition are believed to result from the ability of this important trace mineral to enhance insulin's activity and to improve insulin sensitivity in the body. What's more, the chili and garlic featured in this cellulite-busting soup are rich in phytochemicals that increase the rate at which your body burns energy.
Cellulite-Busting Lentil and Chili Soup
This spicy soup will help you burn fat and thus reduce the appearance of unsightly cellulite. It is rich in capsaicin, the ingredient that gives chili its pungent flavor. Capsaicin is famous for its ability to increasing the rate at which the body burns energy, making it an excellent weight-loss aid. What's more, this soup is rich in protein and fiber which help keep your blood sugar levels on an even keel.
Broccoli and Barley Soup
Broccoli contains several extraordinary properties that make it an excellent cellulite buster. It contains alpha lipoic acid which can help prevent the hardening of collagen. It also provides a concentrated source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and calcium. The cellulite fighting capabilities of broccoli are complemented by the power of thyme and marjoram, which not only bring flavor to this soup but also facilitate collagen and elastin synthesis, strengthen capillaries, and provide antioxidant protection.
Barley Soup with Beans and Basil
While low in fat, both barley and beans are packed with fiber, which makes this soup a great weight loss aid and cellulite buster. Furthermore, recent research suggests that a certain enzyme present in white kidney beans can inhibit the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines. This is of course great news for those who tend to gain weight when consuming lots of carbohydrates. The flavonoid-rich basil in this soup provides excellent antioxidant protection.
Scandinavian Spinach Soup with Boiled Eggs
Learn from Popeye and eat your spinach! Spinach is cram-full of nutrients that can improve your health – and help you get rid of cellulite. Also the eggs featured in this delicious soup are beneficial as they can help you shed off extra pounds, especially if you eat this soup early in the day: research conducted at the Rochester Centre for Obesity in America found that eating eggs in the morning could limit the calorie intake throughout the rest of the day by more than 400 calories.
Chicken Soup with Rice and Green Peas
Chicken and green peas pack a protein punch but have a very low glycemic index rating, making this savory soup ideal for anyone trying to shed off extra pounds. Chicken is also a good source of B vitamins, such as vitamin B3 and vitamin B6, which are important for successful weight loss. In addition, chicken contains amino acids that help build strong connective tissue.
For more recipes that can help you tackle cellulite, go to the main recipe directory of HealWithFood.org's Guide to Fighting Cellulite.