Main Dishes for Reducing Hirsutism (Recipes)
Are you looking for healthy recipes that are suitable for hirsute women? In this section, you'll find an extensive collection of anti-hirsutism recipes for main dishes. The recipes provided here call for some of the best hirsutism-fighting vitamins and minerals including chromium, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, and magnesium. But before you get started, it may be a good idea to browse the section Diet Plan for Hirsute Women and the section Best Food Remedies for Hirsutism which provide more general information about how dietary factors affect hair growth in women.
Apple and Onion Soup
This soup is crammed with chromium. Chromium is a component of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by making insulin more efficient. This will fight insulin resistance which is often associated with hirsutism. Furthermore, chromium promotes weight loss due to its ability to help control cravings, reduce hunger, and control fat in the blood.
Iced Watercress and Mint Soup
The mint in this peppery watercress soup with a wonderful velvety texture is a great herb for women battling with hirsutism. Mint has been shown to be able to reduce the levels free active testosterone in the blood, which is often responsible for hirsutism. The yoghurt featured in this dish may also beneficial due to its high concentration of riboflavin, a vitamin that is needed for normal thyroid function and metabolism. This is great news for hirsute women who often have abnormal thyroid function and/or sluggish metabolism.
Tangy Tomato Soup with Basil
Not only do shallots lend their distinctive flavor to create this rich tomato soup, they also deliver a great amount of dietary chromium. Chromium is a component of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by making insulin more efficient. This in turn fights insulin resistance which is often associated with hirsutism. Furthermore, chromium promotes weight loss due to its ability to help control cravings, reduce hunger, and control fat in the blood.
Steamed Asparagus with Sesame Seeds
Turbo-charge your anti-hirsutism diet by indulging in this delicious, low glycemic dish. Both the asparagus and the sesame seeds this recipe calls for are cram-full of nutrients that are considered particularly beneficial for hirsute women.
Salmon Salad
This salmon salad is packed with vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and magnesium, all of which are thought to be particularly beneficial for hirsute women. In addition, the chromium provided by the onion in this salad helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by making insulin more efficient. This in turn will fight insulin resistance which is often associated with hirsutism. Chromium also promotes weight loss due to its ability to help control cravings, reduce hunger, and control fat in the blood.
Arugula, Avocado and Tomato Salad
This delicious salad has a very low glycemic rating and can therefore help control circulating androgen levels. High levels of circulating androgen have been associated with hirsutism.
Wholewheat Pasta with Nettle Pesto
Don't worry, this nettle pasta won't sting your mouth! Young, blanched nettle leaves are completely edible, and they are packed with B complex vitamins and magnesium which help fight hirsutism. What's more, the whole wheat pasta this recipe calls for provides a healthy, lower glycemic alternative to the traditional white pasta.
Tomato, Cucumber and Red Onion Salad
Red onions are one of the best dietary sources of chromium. Chromium is a component of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by making insulin more efficient. This will fight insulin resistance which is often associated with hirsutism. Furthermore, chromium promotes weight loss due to its ability to help control cravings, reduce hunger, and control fat in the blood. The hirsutism fighting effects of this salad may be further strengthened by balsamic vinegar, which not only adds palate invigorating pungency but which also contains compounds that help control circulating androgen levels which are associated with hirsutism.
Risotto with Crimini Mushrooms and Arugula
This easy recipe helps you create a risotto that's full of nutrients and flavor. Thanks to the crimini mushrooms and brown rice, this dish is loaded with B vitamins. It is particularly rich in vitamin B2, which is essential for normal thyroid function and metabolism and which can thus help reduce excess body weight, but it also provides plenty of vitamin B3, which helps keep blood sugar on an even keel.
Barley Soup with Carrots and Parsley
Barley is one of the best for hirsute women as it has the lowest Glycemic Index (GI) rating of all common grains. Foods that have a high Glycemic Index (GI) rating help keep the blood glucose and insulin levels stable, thereby preventing sharp increases in circulating androgen levels which have been associated with hirsutism. They yoghurt in this soup provides plenty of vitamin B2 which is needed for normal thyroid function and metabolism. This is great news for hirsute women who often have abnormal thyroid function and/or sluggish metabolism.

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