Main Dishes Rich in Anti-PCOS Nutrients (Cont'd)
The following recipes will help you prepare main dishes that are full of anti-PCOS nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, and chromium. Note that this is the second recipe page focused on recipes for main dishes that boast PCOS-combating vitamins, minerals and macronutrients. You can view the first page by clicking here.
Broccoli Salad with Apples and Cranberries
This low-calorie, low glycemic salad is made of ingredients that are bursting with anti-PCOS nutrients such as B vitamins, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and chromium.
Romaine and Smoked Salmon Salad
Lettuce is a low calorie food that can be used as a basis for a wide variety of salads. But don't always stick to iceberg lettuce! This recipe, for example, uses romaine lettuce in place of iceberg lettuce to create is loaded with chromium, an important mineral for women with PCOS. Chromium is a component of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by making insulin more efficient. This will fight insulin resistance which is often associated with PCOS. Furthermore, chromium promotes weight loss due to its ability to help control cravings, reduce hunger, and control fat in the blood. The salmon in this wholesome anti-PCOS salad is loaded with vitamin D which helps combat infertility, weight gain, and insulin resistance.
Nourishing Nettle Soup
While low in calories, nettle is supercharged with PCOS fighting nutrients, including B complex vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. Also yoghurt, which is used to garnish this intriguing jade-green soup, can be helpful as it is loaded with calcium, zinc, and vitamin B2, all of which are important if you suffer from PCOS.
Chicken Salad with Dried Cranberries and Pine Nuts
Skinless chicken breast packs a protein punch but has a very low fat and carbohydrate content, making it an excellent food to fight obesity which is often associated with PCOS and insulin resistance. Chicken is also a good source of B vitamins, such as vitamin B3 and vitamin B6, which are important for successful weight loss and which also play a role in maintaining hormonal balance and fertility. Besides chicken, this salad contains many other ingredients that are great for women with PCOS. Romaine lettuce is one of the best sources of chromium, a mineral that helps fight insulin resistance and promotes weight loss due to its ability to help control cravings, reduce hunger, and control fat in the blood. Red wine vinegar, on the other hand, may help slow the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine, thereby making you feel full longer.
Carrot, Tomato and Lentil Soup
Rich in fiber and protein, this soup helps keep your blood sugar levels on an even keel. It is also a good source of many vitamins that help relieve symptoms associated with PCOS.
Barley Soup with Beans and Basil
Due its low glycemic rating, this soup helps keep blood glucose and insulin levels stable, thereby reducing the risk of insulin resistance and obesity which could worsen PCOS symptoms.
Broccoli and Barley Soup
Both barley and broccoli, the two key ingredients in this soup, have a low Glycemic Index rating. This helps keep the blood glucose and insulin levels stable, thereby preventing insulin resistance and obesity which may worsen PCOS symptoms. In addition, broccoli provides one of the best dairy-free sources of calcium.
Scandinavian Spinach Soup with Boiled Eggs
The nutritional profile of spinach makes it an excellent health food and an important vegetable for women who suffer from PCOS. It provides an ample supply of many nutrients that can ward off PCOS symptoms, including magnesium, calcium, and vitamin B6. The eggs featured in this soup are rich in vitamin D, vitamin B2, and zinc, all of which can bring relief from PCOS symptoms.
Shrimp and Eggs on Romaine Lettuce
Both shrimp and eggs are rich in vitamin D and zinc, key nutrients for warding of PCOS symptoms. The romaine lettuce and tomatoes featured in this salad are top dietary sources of chromium. Chromium helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by making insulin more efficient, thereby fighting insulin resistance which is typically associated with PCOS.
Chicken and Apple Salad
This anti-PCOS salad recipe pairs chicken with luscious grapes and crunchy apples to create a culinary hit that is sure to please almost everyone. But the benefits of this salad are not limited to culinary sensations; it can also confer health benefits. Chicken is rich in protein but has a very low fat and carbohydrate content, making it an excellent food for fighting obesity which is often associated with PCOS and insulin resistance. Chicken is also a good source of B vitamins, such as vitamin B3 and vitamin B6, which are important for successful weight loss and which also play a role in maintaining hormonal balance and fertility.
Want More Recipes?
For more recipes that help fight PCOS, please visit the main recipe directory of's Nutrition Guide to Fighting PCOS.
You may also want to take a look at these diet tips for PCOS sufferers as well as the list of the best PCOS-fighting foods.