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Guide to Fighting Allergies   ( Home | Diet | Foods | Recipes )

Top 14 Foods for Fighting Allergies (Cont'd)

List of the Best Foods for Allergy Sufferers

Looking for a list of the best foods for people with allergies? Look no further! In this section of our Guide to Fighting Allergies you'll learn why foods like turmeric, mushrooms, dandelion greens and sunflower seeds may be particularly good for allergy sufferers.

Note that this is the second page of a two-page article on the best foods for combating allergies. In case you pissed the first part, click here.

Dandelion greens provide a slew of allergy fighting nutrients.

#9: Dandelion Greens

If you can develop a liking for their strong flavor, these unsung nutritional stars will reward you with a slew of nutrients that may help allergy sufferers get rid of their allergies. Dandelion leaves are at the top of the list of the best sources of beta-carotene, but they are also a very good source of vitamin C and a fairly good source of vitamin E. Fresh dandelion greens can be used in salads or they can be made into a herbal tea. If you cannot get used to their bitter taste, dandelion supplements can also be purchased in many health stores.

#10: Turmeric

Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries due to its numerous health effects. It has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties, which is why this powerful root plant of the ginger family may also help prevent allergic reactions. Turmeric is a key ingredient in Indian style curries, but its range of its sculinary uses is in fact much wider. It can be used to add flavor to fish, seafood, meat, rice, vegetable, and pasta dishes.

See Also: Where to Buy Pure Turmeric Powder in the UK or US

#11: Mushrooms

Research indicates that mushrooms may help alleviate allergic reactions in allergy sufferers. These health benefits of mushrooms may be linked to their high selenium content. One cup of crimini mushrooms, for example, provides almost a third of the recommended daily intake for selenium. The anti-allergy effects of selenium are based on its role in the antioxidant system of the body: selenium is a key component of several enzymes involved in antioxidant defense.

#12: Mustard Greens

Cram-full of antioxidants and nutrients, mustard greens can make an excellent addition to your diet if you are susceptible to allergic reactions. In addition to being one of the best sources of beta-carotene, they provide a good amount of vitamin C and vitamin E. The nutrients in mustard greens scavenge free radicals, fight inflammation, and help break down histamine. Mustard greens with their distinctly peppery flavor are available throughout the year and can be found in the produce section of your local supermarket.

#13: Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are usually safe for people with allergies.

If you look at the nutrition facts label on a bag of sunflower seeds, you will find out that these mild nutty tasting seeds are very high in calories and fat. But that should not be a reason to shy away from them! Although it is true that sunflower seeds are rich in both calories and fat, consuming these seeds in moderation can offer great health benefits, especially for allergy sufferers. Not only are sunflower seeds among the seeds and nuts that are least likely to cause adverse reactions in humans, they are also packed with nutrients that help suppress allergic reactions caused by other substances. Sunflower seeds are loaded with vitamin E, but they are also a good source of selenium, with one cup providing more than a third of the recommended daily intake for this important allergy easing mineral.

#14: Anchovies

Provided that you are not allergic to fish, anchovies are an excellent food to add to your shopping list if you are looking to get rid of allergies. Anchovies are very high in selenium, with a mere ounce of anchovies containing about 28% of the recommended daily intake for selenium. What's more, anchovies are an excellent source of the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids which have been shown to reduce allergic reactions in susceptible people. Furthermore, compared to many other fish, anchovies contain only low levels of mercury.

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