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Guide to Fat Loss   ( Home | Diet | Foods | Recipes )

List of 30 Fat Loss Foods (Cont'd)

The top 30 fat loss foods listed in this article include both well-known fat loss foods, such as eggs and fat-free mozzarella, and some lesser known fat burning foods such as papaya, fenugreek seeds and buckwheat. If you are serious about losing fat, make sure these foods are on your grocery list next time you go shopping!

Note that this is the second page of a three-page article on fat burning foods. If you missed the first page of the article, click here.

The pectin in apples limits the amount of fat your cells absorb.

#11:  Apples

According to an old saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But did you know that apples can also keep excess pounds at bay? Apples contain pectin, a type of dietary fiber that is able to limit the amount of dietary fat our cells absorb. Pectin can also make you feel fuller and for a longer time, so you are likely to eat less during the rest of the day. As an additional benefit, apples are low in calories compared to many other foods.

#12:  Papaya

Called the "fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus, papaya is a true nutritional powerhouse and one of the best natural sources of vitamin C (even better than oranges). Research has shown a direct link between low blood levels of vitamin C and increased fat accumulation in the body. However, it is still unclear whether it is the low levels of vitamin C that cause fat gain or whether excess fat depletes the body of vitamin C. In any case, it makes sense to consumer a diet rich in vitamin C if you wish to shed off some pounds: evidence strongly suggests that higher levels of vitamin C help the body burn more fat during physical exercise. One study found that people with low blood concentrations of vitamin C burned 25% less fat during a 60-minute walking session on a treadmill than people with adequate amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of carnitine, a compound that encourages the body to turn fat into fuel, rather than store it in the body.

#13:  Eggs

Egg whites are at the top of fitness models and celebrities' lists of favorite fat loss foods. They are a superb source of dietary protein but very low in calories and fat.

Eating eggs for breakfast may reduce calorie intake by more than 400 calorie.

The egg yolk, on the other hand, is rather high in calories, fat, and cholesterol. Nevertheless, it makes to include some egg yolk in your omelet as it is a concentrated source of many important nutrients such as iron, zinc, iodine, and vitamins A, D, E and B12. Probably the best way to include eggs in you diet is to have them for breakfast: a study conducted at the Rochester Centre for Obesity found that eating eggs for breakfast could reduce the calorie intake throughout the rest of the day by more than 400 calories.

#14:  Fenugreek Seeds

In traditional Eastern medicine, fenugreek seeds have been used to treat digestive disorders and premenstrual symptoms (PMS). But in recent years, these little seeds with a pungent-sweet flavor have also gained attention in the West, mainly because of their high concentration of galactomannan. Galactomannan is a soluble fiber that expands in the stomach, thereby increasing the feeling of satiety, which may make fenugreek seeds a good fat loss aid. Store fenugreek seeds in whole form and grind them (if you want to use it in powder form) just before use (they become stale rapidly once ground).

#15:  Pumpkin

Although best known for its central role in Thanksgiving celebrations, pumpkin is also an great fat loss food. It is very low in calories and contains little fat. It is also a good source of vitamin C.

#16:  Avocados

Do you shy away from avocados? Although it is true that avocados are high in calories and fat compared to other fruits, consuming these creamy green fruits in moderation can offer great benefits to people who want to lose fat. Research suggests that oleic acid found in avocados could help naturally curb appetite and thus contribute to fat loss. In animal studies scientists found that oleic acid is converted into a hormone called oleoylethanolamide (OEA) in the small intestine. OEA has been shown to activate an area of the brain that increases the feeling of satiety and fullness. Only unsaturated fats containing oleic acid are believed to control appetite in this way. For details, see Avocados – a Natural Appetite Suppressant.

#17:  Buckwheat

Despite its name, buckwheat is not related to wheat. Actually, this ancient "grain" is not even a grain; it is a seed of a fruit that is a distant relative of rhubarb. Buckwheat groats contain only 92 calories per 100 grams and are loaded with protein, which makes them an excellent food for those who are aiming to lose fat. Further, not only is buckwheat high in protein, but the protein it contains includes all eight essential amino acids, all of which are needed for muscle growth and maintenance (keep in mind, the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns).

#18:  Scallops

With their soft texture and delicately mild sweet flavor, scallops can be a tasty addition to diet. They are also one of the best seafoods for those who are trying to lose body fat as they are low in fat and calories. When buying scallops, look for firm flesh that appears moist and has a clean white color.

#19:  Turnip Greens

Turnip greens are the leaves of the turnip plant, an ancient vegetable that was first cultivated in the Near East about 4,000 years ago. Turnip greens are extremely low in calories; yet, they are loaded with fat loss promoting nutrients, including vitamin C and calcium. Turnip is a relative of a number of other important fat loss plants such as broccoli.

#20:  Fat-Free Mozzarella

Fat-free mozzarella is a great alternative to many other types of cheese. It provides a significant amount of calcium, zinc, and protein—all of which are highly beneficial for dieters—while being low in calories and fat.

#21:  Watercress

Watercress is a superhero food for dieters. It is extremely low in calories; yet, these little peppery leaves provide a truckload of vitamin C. What's more, watercres is loaded with calcium which has been shown to aid weight loss. Watercress is also low in oxalic acid, a natural compound that inhibits the absorption of calcium from many other plants foods. Watercress is available in larger supermarkets year round.


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