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30 Healthy Fat Burning Foods to Eat (Cont'd)

Learn how to lose excess body fat without compromising your health! The thermogenic and other fat-burning foods listed below not only help you burn body fat, they are also naturally rich in health-promoting nutrients.

Note that this is the last page of a three-page article on healthy fat burning foods. If you missed the previous pages, you can view them by clicking on page 1 or page 2.

#22:  Tuna

Tuna is a great addition to any diet focused on fat loss and muscle maintenance. A can of water-packed tuna contains about 33 grams of protein and no fat or carbohydrates. In comparison to fat and carbohydrates, protein has a very high thermogenic effect (20-30 percent), which means that the body burns a significant share of the calories provided by the protein-rich food in the process of breaking down and digesting the food. However, when adding tuna to your diet, it is advisable to keep it in moderation: too frequent/high a consumption of tuna and other fish may predispose you to an excessive exposure to certain toxins, such as mercury. Many experts recommend a maximum of 6 servings of tuna (canned Chunk Light) and other similar fish per month (canned White Albacore should be consumed even less frequently). Especially pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as women who are planning to become pregnant should be particularly careful because toxins in fish can be extremely harmful to the fetus and newborn babies.

Mushrooms contain virtually zero fat and are rich in B vitamins.

#23:  Mushrooms

The immune-boosting and other health benefits of eating mushrooms are well known, but did you know that these healthy earthy edibles can also help you lose body fat? Mushrooms are very low in calories and contain virtually zero fat. Mushrooms are also among the best low-calorie sources of B complex vitamins.

#24:  Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV), an age-old folk remedy, has been purported to treat just about any ailment one can think of. While some traditional folk medicine uses of ACV have now been disproved, others have found backing from scientific studies. According to recent research, ACV can lower the Glycemic Index rating of starchy foods and slow starch digestion. This is great news to people concerned about extra body fat as a high Glycemic Index rating is usually linked to increased fat accumulation.

#25:  Green Tea

In recent years, catechins – phytochemical compounds that occur predominantly in green tea – have received a tremendous amount of attention for their natural ability to promote fat loss. In one clinical trial, 132 overweight or obese adults were given either a beverage containing approximately 625 milligrams catechins and 39 milligrams caffeine or a beverage containing the same amount of caffeine but no catechins. All subjects were requested to follow a similar diet in terms of caloric intake and to exercise at least three hours per week. During the twelve week trial period, both groups lost weight; however, weight loss was more pronounced in those who consumed the catechins than in those who were given the control beverage. The effects of green tea catechins on body composition are believed to result from these substances' ability increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation. To maximize the release of catechins, choose loose tea leaves instead of tea bags and let the tea steep for five minutes.

#26:  Garlic

The medicinal and healing properties of garlic are legendary, and since ancient times, this superfood has been used as a natural remedy for a wide range of ailments. Research has shown garlic to be effective at preventing and treating cancer and at promoting cardiovascular health. Recent studies also suggest that garlic may be able to limit weight gain and promote weight loss. In one laboratory study, rats on a high-sugar diet gained less weight when they were also given a garlic supplement. The fat burning effects of garlic are believed to result from its ability to break down fatty deposits in the body and to boost metabolism.

Broccoli is one of the best dairy-free sources of calcium.

#27:  Broccoli

The health benefits of broccoli are well known, but this extraordinary vegetable may also be one of the best fat burning foods there is. It is extremely low in calories, has a low Glycemic Index rating, and contains less than 1% fat. What's more, broccoli is a concentrated source of vitamin C. It is also one of the best dairy-free sources of calcium (although the body can only absorb about 60% of the calcium provided by broccoli, that is still a good amount).

#28:  Kale

Supercharged with fat loss promoting nutrients such as vitamin C and calcium, kale is no doubt one of the healthiest fat burning foods. Kale is also low in the calcium-inhibiting oxalic acid which is known to reduce the amount of calcium the body can absorb from many other vegetables (see Oxalates in Kale). In addition to being highly nutritious, kale is very low in calories and contains zero fat. When buying kale, choose organically grown produce whenever possible as conventionally grown kale is among the most contaminated vegetables in terms of pesticide and chemical content.

#29:  Sweet red peppers

If your sweet tooth seems to be holding you back from losing fat, try snacking on sweet red peppers. Their sweetness can help satisfy your cravings without adding a lot of calories. Peppers also boast vitamin C and vitamin B6, both of which are important for fat loss.

#30:  Quinoa

Once called "the gold of the Incas", these hearty "grains" are actually seeds of a green leafy vegetable that is a relative of the Swiss chard and spinach. Packed with protein whole being low in calories, quinoa is a great fat loss food and an excellent alternative to rice and couscous. Furthermore, not only is quinoa high in protein, but the protein it contains includes the eight essential amino acids, all of which are necessary for muscle growth and repair. In addition to protein, quinoa is a good source of magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, and phosphorus.

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For information on nutrition and fat loss, see also: