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Guide to Getting Rid of Hives with Food

How to Heal Hives Naturally at Home with Appropriate Nutrition

Your one-stop source for information on the optimal diet, the top 8 foods, and the best recipes for preventing and healing hives at home.

What is This Web Guide About?

This section of the HealWithFood.org website is dedicated to providing nutrition-related tips and information for people who suffer from chronic hives, a relatively common skin condition characterized by raised—often itchy—red bumps on the surface of the skin. The page you are currently viewing is the home page of our Guide to Healing Hives Naturally at Home with Food – all the latest news and tips are posted on this page, so be sure to check back often! In addition, this Guide includes dedicated sections on the best dietary habits, foods and recipes for treating hives. Use the menu on the right to navigate this Guide.

What Are Hives?

Hives (also known as urticaria) are a common allergic reaction that affects the skin, typically on the face, hands, neck or legs. Like all allergic reactions, hives occur when the immune system overreacts to normally harmless substances. The reaction begins when the so-called IgE antibodies, which sit on the surface of mast cells, encounter an allergen (i.e. any substance that is capable of causing an allergic reaction in an individual). These antibodies cause the mast cells to release histamine in large quantities. Excess histamine causes an extreme inflammatory response, or an allergic reaction. Hives symptoms typically include white or pink welts or large itchy bumps on the skin. The best way to treat and heal chronic hives is to avoid allergens that cause the bumps and welts to occur. There are also many medications available that can bring relief. In addition, certain nutritional factors—the topic of this web guide—may help control and prevent allergic hives.

Important Notice: The information on this website has not been verified for correctness or completeness, and it must not be taken as a substitute for professional nutrition advice or for professional medical or health advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care professional or nutritionist.