Nutrition Guide for Asthma Sufferers:
How to Fight and Relieve Asthma Symptoms Naturally Through Nutrition
Your one-stop source for information on the optimal diet, the top 19 foods, and the best recipes for preventing and relieving asthma symptoms.
Asthma is a respiratory disorder affecting the airways of the lungs. The airways of asthma sufferers occasionally constrict, become inflamed, and start making more mucus, often in response to an allergen (such as cold air, exercise, infection, tobacco smoke, or emotional stress). This may result in symptoms like wheezing, coughing (especially at night), trouble breathing, or a feeling of constriction within the chest. Some asthmatics may have no symptoms for long periods of time but are then suddenly attacked by asthma symptoms, while others experience symptoms more frequently. Asthma has gained much public attention in recent years, as the condition is rapidly becoming more prevalent, afflicting almost 20 million Americans today. The most effective way of controlling asthma is identifying triggers of the attacks and limiting exposure to them. However, if trigger avoidance is insufficient, a number of drugs are available. Moreover, nutritional choices may also help reduce attacks and the severity of symptoms.
What you will find in this GuideThis Nutrition Guide for Asthma Sufferers aims to provide comprehensive information on how to fight asthma naturally at home with food and proper nutrition. The page you are currently viewing is the home page of the Guide — all the latest news and tips are published here, so be sure to bookmark this page! Other sections provide information on dietary habits and foods that can help fight and alleviate asthma symptoms as well as delicious anti-asthma recipes. You can navigate this Guide by using the menu on the right.
Important Notice: The information on this website, including the information above, has not been verified for correctness or completeness, and some of the information may not be correct. Information included on this website is not a substitute for professional nutrition advice or for professional medical or health advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional before starting any new treatment, making any changes to existing treatment or altering your current exercise or diet regimen.
You may have already read here that consumption of apples, citrus fruit and kiwifruit have been linked to reduced risk of asthma. This week's smoothie recipe pairs green Granny Smith apples and refreshing kiwifruit with creamy avocado and orange juice to create a gorgeous, nutrient-packed smoothie. Maca powder, made from the nutritious root of a Peruvian plant commonly known as maca, is used to further improve the nutritional profile of this smoothie. In some parts of the world, maca is also used as a natural remedy for asthma. Click on the link below to view the complete ingredient list and instructions, as well as the beloved Tweak It! box which allows you to create a new variation of the basic recipe – for every day of the week!
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In Focus This Month: Automatic Yogurt Makers
Whole-fat dairy products have been shown to reduce the risk of asthma in some people, while low-fat dairy appears to have the opposite effect. If you like to eat your full-fat dairy in the form of organic yogurt but are fed up with the premium price tags of organic yogurt, you might want to consider investing in an automatic yogurt maker. The modern models are very easy to use, and they can really cut the grocery bills in the long term. To limit your and your family's exposure to BPA, a controversial chemical that may be linked to asthma, choose a model that comes with glass cups instead of plastic cups. To learn more about automatic yogurt makers, check out this month's special feature: Why Get a Yogurt Maker with Glass Cups?