Main Dishes for Fighting PMS (Recipes)
Are you desperate to find healthy recipes that can help women fight monthly mood swings, irritability and other symptoms associated with PMS? We have you covered! This section of our online Diet Guide to Fighting PMS offers a wealth of PMS-fighting recipes that use some of the best anti-PMS foods such as asparagus, barley, mushrooms, and carrots. Bon appetit!
Tip: Before you set free the culinary guru in you and check out the recipes below, make sure you have already taken a look at the section The Anti-PMS Diet and the section Best Foods for PMS Relief which provide more general information about how dietary habits and PMS symptoms are linked.
Carrot and Avocado Salad
Rich in fiber, avocados are also crammed full of vitamin B6, a key anti-PMS vitamin. This salad recipe also calls for balsamic vinegar which has been shown to reduce foods' glycemic index rating index.
Arugula, Avocado and Tomato Salad
Avocados are loaded with dietary fiber and vitamin B6 which play an important role in the anti-PMS diet. The PMS alleviating effects of this dish may be further strengthened by balsamic vinegar, which not only adds depth and flavor to this dish but which also provides compounds that can significantly lower the glycemic index rating index of the meal. Low glycemic foods help keep blood glucose levels stable, thereby controlling some PMS symptoms such as mood swings and cravings.
Barley Soup with Carrots and Parsley
Barley has the lowest Glycemic Index (GI) rating of all common grains. Low glycemic foods help keep blood glucose levels stable, thereby controlling some PMS symptoms such as mood swings and food cravings. The carrots this recipe calls for may also be helpful as they are rich in fiber and vitamin B6. Also the yoghurt adds to the PMS-fighting powers of this soup by calcium and zinc.
Carrot, Tomato and Lentil Soup
Rich in fiber and extremely low in fat, this soup makes an excellent anti-PMS meal. High-fiber foods enhance estrogen excretion and are thought to help improve hormonal balance.
Beet and Carrot Salad with Ginger
This recipe pairs beets with carrots to create a potent weapon for fighting PMS. Both beets and carrots are packed with fiber which helps regulate estrogen levels. In addition, beets are an excellent source of magnesium, which has been shown to be effective at controlling premenstrual symptoms related to mood changes, while carrots provide an amply supply of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is thought to help relieve breast tenderness, depression, and anxiety.
Steamed Asparagus with Sesame Seeds
Turbo-charge your diet by eating asparagus, a highly nutritious vegetable that can also beat the bloat associated with PMS. The sesame seeds featured in this mouth-watering dish are loaded with anti-PMS nutrients, including vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, and zinc.
Risotto with Crimini Mushrooms and Arugula
Here's an easy recipe for creating a risotto that's full of nutrients and flavor. Thanks to the crimini mushrooms and brown rice, this dish is zinc and vitamin B6.
Beet and Carrot Soup
This recipe pairs carrots with beets to create a beautiful crimson soup that can also help relieve PMS symptoms. Both beets and carrots are packed with fiber which helps regulate estrogen levels. In addition, beets are a great source of magnesium, a mineral that can help control premenstrual symptoms related to mood changes.
Wholewheat Pasta with Nettle Pesto
This pasta dish won't sting your tongue; it will only do your body good. Young, blanched nettle leaves are completely edible, and they are packed with PMS fighting nutrients, including B complex vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. What's more, the whole wheat pasta this recipe calls for provides a healthy, lower glycemic alternative to the traditional white pasta.
Stir-Fried Asparagus with Quinoa Noodles
Not only is this asparagus dish downright delicious, it also makes an excellent anti-PMS meal. It is rich in fiber, and the diuretic properties of asparagus help relieve premenstrual swelling and bloating.

Want More Recipes?
For more recipes that help prevent and control PMS symptoms, please visit the main recipe directory of's Guide to Fighting PMS.