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Healthy Drink Recipes for Psoriasis Sufferers

Looking for healthy recipes for smoothies, juices and herbal infusions with psoriasis-fighting properties? Below, we serve up a collection of healthy recipes that feature ingredients with psoriasis-fighting potential such as carrots, ginger, turmeric, spinach, blueberries and milk thistle.

Green Smoothie with Ginger, Spinach and Flaxseed

According to a research paper published in the British Journal of Dermatology, there's a link between psoriasis and low levels of antioxidants, which is why the author of the paper suggests that sufficient levels of antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, might be helpful in the prevention of oxidative stress in people with psoriasis (you can read more about it here). In this green smoothie, baby spinach, which is one of the best natural sources of beta-carotene, is paired with mango and banana to create a delicious, antioxidant-packed green smoothie. Ground flaxseed, which is thought to have psoriasis-fighting potential due to the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids it contains, and fresh ginger, which may have psoriasis-fighting properties according to anecdotal reports, are added to the mix to further boost its health-giving qualities.

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Carrot, Mango and Turmeric Smoothie

This recipe pairs fresh mango with carrot juice to create a luscious, brightly-colored smoothie that is packed with beta-carotene, a nutrient that may be particularly important for people with psoriasis due to its antioxidant properties. Turmeric, which has a long history of use in traditional Indian medicine as a treatment for inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis, is added to the mix to further boost psoriasis-fighting potential.

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Blueberry, Spinach and Chia Smoothie

This recipe pairs beta- carotene rich spinach with frozen blueberries which are loaded with psoriasis-combating antioxidants. In addition to spinach and blueberries, this recipe calls for a ripe banana, which lends creaminess and sweetness to the blend, and chia seeds, which are supercharged with psoriasis-fighting omega-3 fats.

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Milk Thistle Tea for Psoriasis Sufferers

In Europe, practitioners of herbal medicine often prescribe milk thistle tea for the treatment of psoriasis. Milk thistle tea contains silymarin, a flavonoid complex that is believed to help fight psoriasis by supporting and strengthening liver function, reducing inflammation and slowing down excessive cell growth.

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Blueberry Smoothie Featuring Milk Thistle Powder

Here's another drink recipe that draws on the psoriasis-fighting potential of milk thistle. In this smoothie, milk thistle powder is combined with frozen blueberries and Red Delicious apples to create a luscious antioxidant-rich concoction.

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Gingery Carrot Juice for Psoriasis Sufferers

Got a juicer at home? Send a bunch of carrots and some fresh ginger through your juicer and you've got yourself a wonderful bright orange drink that's chock-full of beta-carotene as well as gingerol, the active constituent of fresh ginger that is thought to be responsible for its anti-inflammatory—and anti-psoriatic—properties.

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Try a New Anti-Psoriasis Smoothie—Every Week!

Make it a habit to regularly blend smoothies that combine healthy ingredients that are believed to have psoriasis-fighting properties. For ideas, visit (and bookmark) the home page of's Guide to Fighting Psoriasis where you will find a new "anti-psoriasis" smoothie recipe every week!