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Weekly Smoothie Challenge

Berrylicious Blueberry Smoothie with Red Cabbage Juice

Makes about 3.5 cups

You may have already heard of anthocyanins, flavonoid pigments that give blueberries and many other so-called superberries their deep red/purplish colors – and strong antioxidant properties. But guess what, berries are hardly the only natural source of anthocyanins! Red cabbage, for example, contains tons of these powerful flavonoids, and by adding a few spoonfuls of fresh red cabbage juice to a fruity smoothie, you can take the antioxidant powers of your drink to a whole new level. And, don't worry, as you will only be using a few spoonfuls of cabbage juice for this smoothie, you will hardly taste it in this blend thanks to the intense fruity flavors of the other ingredients!

Now the not-so-good news: chances are you won't find pure red cabbage juice in the stores, so you will need to get your juicer out for this recipe. As you only need three tablespoons of fresh cabbage juice for this smoothie, you might want to use the opportunity and juice other vegetables or fruits as well while the juicer out. Most fresh, homemade juices will store in the fridge for at least two days.

Tip: If you have a lot of smoothie recipes that call for fruit and/or vegetable juices, you might want to consider getting a two-in-one juicer-blenders, such as the Breville BJB840XL. Perfect for kitchens with limited cabinet and countertop space, these dual-functional kitchen gadgets can be turned from juicers into blenders, and vice versa, simply by changing the head.

Blueberry Cabbage Smoothie


  • 1 orange
  • 1 banana
  • 3.5 oz frozen blueberries (or another ingredient from the Tweak It! box below)
  • 1.5 cups water
  • 2 Tbsp fresh red cabbage juice


  • Peel the orange and banana, and rinse the frozen berries under cold running water
  • Place the water, red cabbage juice, banana, orange and berries in a high-powered blender, secure the lid, and blend until smooth.
  • Remove the lid, pour the smoothie into glasses, and serve immediately. This recipe yields about 3.5 cups (or 830 milliliters).

Tweak It!

To keep things interesting, try tweaking the basic recipe above by replacing the oranges with one of the other ingredients included in the Tweak It! box below. The Tweak It! box contains seven ingredients, one for each day of the week!

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
3.5 oz
frozen blueberries
3.5 oz
frozen raspberries
3.5 oz
frozen strawberries
3.5 oz
frozen blackberries
3.5 oz
frozen depitted apricots
3.5 oz
frozen depitted plums
3.5 oz
frozen berry mix